Thursday, February 21, 2013


The method of creating a far right propaganda machine that can eat up the soul of an entire nation is ridiculously simple in theory, but an extremely chaotic and unpredictable process in practice. Some of the important key functions can be summarised:
  1. The main external enemy that will be used to take control over the minds of the nation has to be selected. It is easiest to motivate people by giving them an enemy to fear and hate. During the formulation of the Homma ideology the 2001 terrorist strikes were still relatively recent, which meant that Islam was demonized to some extent even by some mainstream political movements. In this situation it was easy to choose Islam as the main enemy to fear and hate. It was easy to make the rather distant threat bigger by throwing in some islamophobic conspiracy theories about Eurabia. The selection of secondary enemies was ridiculously easy, since people joining far right movements can easily be made to fear and hate almost anything, whether imaginary or real.
  2. An internal enemy is needed. After all, the ideological struggle is not with outsiders. The struggle is with local elements. The political movement that was exactly opposite to Suomen Sisu seemed to be the Green party, although anything that would seem as being a bit on the left might be used as well. Therefore we can see all kinds of extremely interesting paranoid conspiracy theories forming around a belief in the demonic power of the Green party. It is also easy to imagine that the creators of the ideology might not believe in it themselves. This is wrong, since they will get carried away by their own creation. Therefore there are reports of truly icy paranoid stares from Jussi Halla-aho. Most of the people he has chosen as his enemies thought that there would be no real emotional component to the propaganda, but apparently there was.
  3. The ideology has to be formulated into a package. This is the task of the ideological master strategist. In order for the ideology to stay consistent there should be one and only one Master ideologist, who makes the truly great decisions. If somebody rebels against the Master there will soon be two Hommaforums. Some amount of these divisions are probably unavoidable, it can only be hoped that the splinterHommas stay small and die quickly. But total unquestioning faith in one Master is needed for a victorious Homma. The movement stays strong only if the Masters blog is read carefully and his ideology is internalized completely.
  4. Some amount of secondary production of the ideology can be delegated to the trusted members of the movement. Not even a Master can produce each propaganda to fill the minds of the entire nation. Therefore the trusted members of the movement will have their own blogs and the ability to make ideology somewhat independently. But there are limits. A member of the movement can be ideologically faithful, but have too bad mental health issues to be trusted. Has anybody noticed that many of the original key activists of the Suomen Sisu movement have strangely disappeared? Where is Esa Taberman? Beyond obvious issues of loyalty and mental health the intelligence of the secondary blogger should be considered. It is a bad mistake to give secondary master powers to a person with limited intelligence, as the career of James Hirvisaari as a secondary blogger has clearly demonstrated. In a later stage it should be possible to change the laws or to just extralegally eliminate useless elements from the movement. The ability to control the police forces of the nation also brings the ability to ignore stupid left-wing ideas such as laws.
  5. There is a need to formulate the ideology into a clear set of memes that even the most idiotic semi-literate internet user can spam endlessly on any discussion channel. Some have even claimed hearing the memes of propaganda changed in a live setting, usually a bar. But the main channel for spamming the memes is the internet. This task is handled by the entire movement. In some ways the message becomes easier and easier to repeat endlessly after you have completely memorized the writings of the Master and the same thing has been repeated about a million times on Hommaforum and some forums that didn't even know about the ideology of the Master before the brave footsoldiers of the movement arrived.
  6. The lowest level in the movement is the level of a pure spam bot. There are newbies who have not internalized the ideology completely. But very soon almost anybody is able to repeat the message on any discussion channel. This is why the message has to be simple and based on the basic emotions of fear and hate. Anybody should be able to become a spam bot for the Homma. Of course some people would be more efficient in the amount of spam produced. Some might be able to produce spam of very high quality. Some might have special gifts in flaming and threatening the ideological opponents who have been brainwashed by the sick Green ideology. A person might be so gifted in trolling that even the most experienced users of the internet would soon be completely confused. But basically everybody in the movement is a spam bot of the ideology. Even the Master himself sometimes comes down from his Scripta and joins the frontline raids as a foot soldier. There is a need to have some amount of spam bots to even start the paleoconservative cyberspace revolution. In the case of Homma it was determined that the amount of 20 initial internet nazis or spambots would be enough. These were provided by the loyal cadres of the Suomen Sisu movement, but some of the disloyal or weak ones have become traitors to the movement. One of the most important personal qualities is the ability to unquestioningly believe in the Scripta. The greatest traitors in the movement have been people who have started to make all kinds of heretical changes to the pure Scripta.

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