Thursday, February 21, 2013
Finnish Defence League
Finnish Defence League was supposed to be here, but the attempt to set
up one was apparently a complete and utter failure. But here is Mimosa
Dedanann, who prentended for a while to be a leader of a group that
pretended to exist. Mimosa Dedanann represents a different breed of a
far right leader.
The Hillbilly
In order to end the article with a light and humorous note we have to
present Teuvo Hakkarainen, the hillbilly MP of the True Finns. Teuvo
Hakkarainen is merely a redneck. Therefore we believe that Teuvo
Hakkarainen is not actually a racist. He just doesn't know anything. But
his adventures have been extremely amusing and it is not possible to
understand the true political ideology of the True Finns party without
taking into account the important ideological contribution of Teuvo
Timo Soini is forgiven by Jesus again
Timo Soini
is the fat-ass right-wing populist catholic conservative leader of the
True Finn party. He has been demanded to do something about the rampant
racism and fascism of his party. In February 2013 he was grilled heavily about the issue on BBC HardTalk.
The video is worth watching, since Soini feels true pain when he
commits the cardinal sin of lying. And the lie is that his party is not
full of racist and fascist extremists. In reality Timo Soini cannot do
anything about the Suomen Sisu faction in his party. The fascist
tendency is controlling the party now.
Henrik Holappa goes to USA
The movement was founded by Henrik Holappa, who was a political
activist of the True Finns in the city of Oulu.In some ways the American
adventure of Henrik Holappa is irrelevant, but it is too amusing to
leave out. In 2008 Henrik Holappa had published antisemitic hate
propaganda that targeted local jewish children and the authorities were
I was apparently possible that the
public prosecutor might slap hate speech charges on child-threatening
psychonazi Holappa. Holappa became really scared. He had heard of the
country called USA where everybody likes antisemites like Holappa. The
amazing Holappa somehow managed to reach the United States, where he
sought political asylum!
Since the Finnish state was obviously restricting his freedom of speech by considering to slap hate speech charges on him for threatening children! At the same time the refugee-hating meganazi became a refugee!
Since the Finnish state was obviously restricting his freedom of speech by considering to slap hate speech charges on him for threatening children! At the same time the refugee-hating meganazi became a refugee!
his asylum application process Henrik Holappa was used as a maskot by
Neo-Nazi leaders such as David Duke and John de Nugent.Holappa received a
lot of sympathy and support from the American Neo-Nazi community. After
all, the Nazis are not heartless people, if you happen to be white and a
national socialist.
And Holappa looked kinda
cute. The American Neo-Nazis were probably not aware where Finland was
or what kind of political system it had, so they never suspected his
stories of the Finnish communist gulag. It is easy to imagine the young
aryan resistance hero Holappa telling sweet American Nazi grannies
stories about his suffering in communist Finland. He probably ate a lot
of apple pie in America.
However, the officials
of the United States were well-aware of the actual status of Finnish
gulag camps. In addition, Holappa wasn't charged with hate speech in
Finland. And even if he were charged the sentence is usually just a
symbolic amount of fines. The legal system just wants to remind you to
keep your fucking loud antisemite mouth shut in public places. You can
yell about any ethnic group in your home, but don't do it on the
Since the US officials were perfectly
aware that Holappa was in no kind of need of political custody he
actually became an illegal immigrant! They arrested him for visa
violation on March 9, 2009. In June 3, 2009, U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement removed Henrik Holappa to Finland. Just like you
remove a trash bag from your house. Just dumped him.
In 2011 the Finnish Resistance Movement invited members of CasaPound of Italy to a seminar in Helsinki. Soon Gianluca Casseri went all Breivik in Florence. Poor Holappa ended up being investigated by the Finnish Security Intelligence Service. It is unknown why Holappa didn't become a political refugee again.
Perhaps he knew the truth about the Finnish Security Intelligence Service:
- The Finnish Security Intelligence Service does not investigate far right organizations. It is a far right organization itself.
- The Finnish Security Intelligence Service is completely unable to investigate anything at all, since they are spending all of their time on really childish workplace bullying, which they deny, but are completely unable to keep secret, since everybody knows it. They put glue in the other guys keyhole! They are total retards!
- If the Finnish Security Intelligence Service would have time to investigate something, they would probably investigate something really dangerous, like animal rights activist groups consisting of malnourished teenage girls or anybody who looks even remotely like Osama bin Laden, such as people who have tanned skins. It is possible that the Finnish Security Intelligence Service actually did investigate CasaPound, since the Italians are obviously kinda swarthy people, almost like muslims, definitely a potential security threat. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service shares the concern of the far right organizations. This means that both groups share a common enemy, which is anything that seems like it is green or red, and all kinds of racially inferior people.
- The Finnish Security Intelligence Service has a tendency to get fucked in the ass by the big brother. You know. KGB. FSB. They sometimes walk the Finnish Security Intelligence Service up and down Tehtaankatu like a poodle if they are in a good mood. Or at least that is how it was until the beginning of Nineties. But we don't know what it is like currently. By all likelihood the Finnish Security Intelligence Service people are so stuck in whatever procedures they learned when they were hired in 1979 that they still go to Tehtaankatu to ask for a permission to do anything. But if you think about Putin it is clear who would control the business of espionage.
We do not know what
happened. Holappa was certainly quite safe. But did he know it? Did he
try to seek political asylum again? We just don't know. Perhaps he went
to Canada. We know that we don't know everything about the epic struggle
of Holappa, but there can be aspects to the story that we are still
unaware that they are unknown.
Boneheads on parade
In July 2010 members of the Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a
Gay Pride event in Helsinki. Gay Pride participants and bystanders were
assaulted with tear gas and pepper spray. Some victims were small
children. Three members of the Finnish Resistance Movement were later
charged for 87 counts of assault, 71 counts of violations of political
freedoms and substance possession.
Before the
Finnish 2011 parliamentary election members of the Finnish Resistance
Movement attacked a National Coalition Party election official.
The June 2012 Pride Parade egging incident
is not terribly violent, but it is mentioned so that we can include the
rather hilarious pictures of the Egg Man, who became an instant
internet meme.
In July 2012 a member of the
Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a gay rights event in Oulu. One
person was hospitalized due to use of pepper spray by the attacker. A
member of the Finnish Resistance Movement was later arrested for the
In January 2013 three members of the Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a library discussion event in Jyväskylä.
included stabbing one of the event organizers with a knife. Two members
of the Finnish Resistance Movement were arrested and one is still
hiding from the police. During the police investigation it was found
that the Finnish Resistance Movement had collected a database of 300
political opponents.The event that was attacked was a presentation of a
book examining the increasing support of extreme right in Finland.
The fucking Nazi stickers
The assholes are constantly sticking their idiotic Nazi propaganda
stickers and posters everywhere. It is ridiculous. These guys are
constantly running around the country sticking their stickers
everywhere. And they publish heroic Combat Reports about their militant
fascist sticker adventures! These sticker faggots are a life form that
is completely different from the skinhead goblins of the Nineties.
bastards are clever enough to have a website, a Hipster
Hitler website called Mustasydän, and a web shop Kadulle, which is
selling exactly the same fucking stickers they are planting everywhere.
The economic model of the organization is based on the stickers.
members of the organization have to plant a certain amount of stickers
in a day or they will be declared commie subhuman traitors and sent to
the sex slave labour camp of the Swedish movement. Therefore the members
of the Finnish Resistance Movement have to spend all of their weekly
income in nazi stickers from the web shop. The movement doesn't need
external funding from the Swedish sugar daddies, it just takes the money
of the members.
However, the effectiveness of
stickers as a form of propaganda in the information society can be
relatively low. Suomen Sisu managed to get as far as the parliament
without spending any amount of time on stickers. The methods of internet
propaganda used by the Hommaforum have been documented with scientific
precision. These methods consisted almost completely of elaborate online
propaganda known by some internet communication experts as spamming and
trolling. Nobody has ever seen Suomen Sisu or Hommaforum stickers
Ulla Pyysalo is a Sadistic Nazi Bitch
The Finnish Resistance Movement is purely antisemitic. They are
antisemitic to the boot. They are so antisemitic they hallucinate ZOG
agents everywhere. Their antisemitism should be taken into account.
Antisemitism. Antisemitism. Antisemitism.
important distinction here is that more modern far right movements
became strictly islamophobic after something happened. The islamophobic
movements want to ally with jews to kill muslims. The antisemitic
movements want to ally with muslims to kill jews. Since these movements
consist of paranoid fanatics who are completely unable to make a
compromise about anything the Finnish Resistance Movement is unable to
ally with the other far right movements.
brings us to the role of Ulla Pyysalo. There are two possibilities. The
first possibility is that Ulla Pyysalo is a sadistic nazi bitch who
would get wet by killing people in a concentration camp.
other possibility is that the idea was to use her as the contact
between the antisemitic Finnish Resistance Movement and the
islamophobic Suomen Sisu. Ulla Pyysalo might have a special gift of
being fanatically antisemitic and islamophobic at the same time. Such
talent would certainly allow fast career development in modern far right
The Patriotic Intercourse with Sweden
The Finnish Resistance Movement (Finnish: Suomen Vastarintaliike),
is the Finnish appendix of the Swedish Resistance Movement (Swedish:
Svenska Motståndsrörelsen). The organizationary idea is that the Finnish
guys are bottom and the Swedish guys are top. The movement plans to
unite Finland with Sweden, which isn't a popular idea in Finland, which
is a former slave colony of Sweden.
ideology of the Finnish Resistance Movement is very old-fashioned
National Socialism. Their publications have the usual elements of
racism, antisemitism and conspiracy theory. The main ideological
innovation of the movement is the merger with Sweden. It will be an
union or perhaps an intercourse between the two nations. If you look at
the map Finland looks like a woman. Therefore it is natural that the
Finnish movement takes the feminine role when dealing with the Swedish
sugar daddy organization.
Ulla Pyysalo joins the antisemites
The third member of the Suomen Sisu faction is Juho Eerola, who
once wrote on Hommaforum that he admires the economic policies of Benito
Mussolini. The ideological adventures of his assistant Ulla Pyysalo are
far more interesting. Apparently Ulla Pyysalo thinks it would feel
really good if she could be even more right wing.
In 2011 the hacktivist group Anonymous leaked the membership application database of the Finnish Neo-Nazi organization Finnish Resistance Movement. The application database contained the membership application of Ulla Pyysalo. The membership of a parliamentary aide in a violent extremist organization was another scandal for the party.
The man with no brain: James Hirvisaari
James Hirvisaari is trying to be another Halla-aho but somehow
becomes a disgusting parody of his ideological leader. Naturally he
wanted to be sentenced for hate speech as well. Hirvisaari reached his goal in 2011after
he had written something really stupid that was meant to incite
violence against muslims. Hirvisaari wrote about a violent racist crime
and blamed the victim.
A racist crime took place in Helsinki some time ago. I believe that it was a rare case that cannot be generalized. But if a skinhead kicks the ass of a nigger, it is not necessarily caused by racism, it is just boys being boys. And maybe the nigger actually deserved a beating, maybe the nigger was actually molesting white women again?Due to the unlimited amount of muslim immigrants Finland will soon have increasing amounts of real racism that is targeted especially at kikes as well as the ethnic master race and some subhuman groups. In addition there will be uppity niggers behaving badly, rioting, acting ungratefully, not respecting the white man, mutilating women and children, raping everybody, rioting, burning flags, shouting, chewing khat, raping babies, taking multiple wives, generally behaving like lowly human scum from nigger countries. In the end the ragheads will commit acts of terrorism and serial suicide bombings. If the white master race cannot dance to the nigger rhythm.Violence is a language, which is not understood by the superior civilized man. Islam contains a culture of hate and violence, which manifests itself as a constant Jihad. Coexistence of the races is impossible, we should bury the civil rights movement, end the integrationist experiment and return to the good old life of crusader raids in the Middle East, Apartheid, slave plantations and random lynching of slaves for fun.
Eronen, The assistant of Hirvisaari, proved herself capable of
independently generating policies for advancing political goals of the
True Finn party. She demanded that immigrants and sexual minorites should be forced to wear armbands
just like in Nazi Germany. She also explained that this was just a
funny joke. Members of the NSDAP probably had a similarly sadistic
sense of humour, if the joke was on minorities.
Bots in Parliament
Four members of parliament of the True Finns party are known to be members of Suomen Sisu and members of the Hommaforum: Jussi Halla-aho, Olli Immonen, James Hirvisaari and Juho Eerola. We shall concentrate on the ideology of Halla-aho and only briefly describe his three minions.
Halla-aho is the ideological master of the Finnish racist movement. His
followers on the Hommaforum actually call him the "Master". In many
ways he is the reason for the entire rise of extreme right in Finland.
The academic background of Halla-aho gave him a certain credibility
beyond old-fashioned redneck nazis. His background as a linguist means
that he is better in writing propaganda than most other racists. We
shall quote Jussi Halla-aho frequently since his own writings give the
best view into his ideology. As we shall see, all of his writings are
actually pure agitation against various minority groups.
of the early gems of Halla-aho's propaganda writing that won the votes
of the denizens of Hommaforum includes a story about an encounter with a
homosexual person. Halla-aho thinks that the person is disgusting and
wonders if he should shoot him for pleasure. Here it is important to
understand that Halla-aho is a gun nut and a member of the NRA.
Regarding the faggot at Tehtaanpuisto park I briefly considered getting my gun from upstairs and shooting him in the head. Would the gratification from it exceed the annoyance of serving time in jail? Violence is these days a very undervalued method of solving problems.
Halla-aho was worried about immigrants raping Finnish women. The
twisted and paranoid mind of Jussi Halla-aho makes him blame the Green
party for everything. Therefore he wrote that female politicians of the
Green party should be raped, since he thinks that they are actually
quilty of women being raped.
Thus, when rapes will in any case increase in number, I wholeheartedly wish that these predators who pick their victims at random will target these politically Green-Leftist politicians rather than actual female humans. They will only learn a lesson when multiculturalism bites them in the ass. I will say honest and direct, if an immigrant rapes Rosa Meriläinen, it will only make me happy. I'm willing to say this anytime, anywhere. I think it is morally right, because people like Rosa Meriläinen are the reason for rapists coming into Finland.
In September 2011
Halla-aho was forced to take a holiday from the parliamentary party
group when he stated that there was a need for strong military invention
to quell demonstrations against the EU requirements for Greece.
Simple fact is that democracy (=elections) prevents any political government to take such action as to be really "effective" in solving the bankrupt Greek economy problem. Right now what is needed is a military junta that could use tanks to force the strikers and rioters into submission.
In 2012, Jussi Halla-aho was declared guilty of breaching religious peace by the Highest Court of Justice, due to the following statement connecting Islam with pedophilia.
Prophet Muhammad was a pedophile and Islam revers pedophilia as a religion. Islam is a religion of pedophilia. Pedophilia is Allah’s will.
Highest Court of Justice also found Halla-aho quilty of incitement
against an ethnic minority due to the following comment about Somali
Robbing bypassers and living at taxpayers’ expense as a parasite is a national, possibly genetic characteristic of Somalis.
Halla-aho has also participated in the formulation of the international ideology of antijihadism. Anders Behring Breivik quoted an article of Jussi Halla-aho in his 2011 terrorist manifesto. The article was called Multicultural Discourse in Finland and Sweden and published in the Gates of Vienna
blog. Here is the section where Breivik is moulding his ideology based
on Halla-aho's writings. The first idea is a paranoid conspiracy theory
about a symbiosis between the European left and Islamic ideas. The other
idea hints at the need to abandon conventional morality and to take
decisive action.
Jussi Halla-Aho, running for parliament in Finland as an independent candidate, has come to some of the same conclusions as I have regarding the Leftist-Islamic cooperation in many Western nations: The Left milks the working natives to maintain a predominantly idle immigrant population, who thankfully vote for the Left. The welfare state society thus has to support two parasites, each living in a symbiotic relationship with the other. This will eventually cause the system to collapse. Why would anyone support a policy that leads to certain destruction? Well, because a career politician never sets his sights 20, 50 or 100 years to the future but instead focuses on the next election. The short-term focus of our democratic system can thus, combined with Muslim immigration, turn into a fatal flaw.But Halla-Aho asks an even more important question: “Why do the voters let all this happen? It is because Westerners like to be ‘good’ people and believe that their fellow men are equally good people. It is because they have humane values.” “It is because the moral and ethical values of Western man have made him helpless in the face of wickedness and immorality.”
The ideology being
shared here is suitable for paranoid fanatics. Halla-aho is not a man
who would regret his errors or learn from his mistakes. When the media
covered his ideological connection to Breivik, he merely claimed others have a terror agenda and saw himself as a victim of a "witch-hunt".
He doesn't even consider moving his ideology into a more moderate
direction due to the victims it has claimed in Norway. He merely creates
paranoid fantasies in order to blame everybody else. Such is the
horrible mentality of this man. And it is shared by his followers.
Infiltrating the True Finns
The strategy of infiltrating the True Finns proved to be successful
for Homma. The True Finns were quickly assimilated by the superior
ideology of Suomen Sisu. The other sections of the party had nothing
that could be used to resist the mindworms designed by Halla-aho.
Timo Soini was too greedy to refuse the votes offered by Homma and is already too weak to do anything about it. And he will become weaker.
After all, Homma has the guidance of the living Master, but Timo Soini has only his imaginary Catholic God. Homma will eat the soul of Timo Soini and fart out one more memebots.
Timo Soini was extremely useful but also completely expendable, since his fantasies about God would prevent him from accepting the Master as his personal saviour.
But even the Master is not all-knowing. He is a scientist who prefers to experiment before he makes any conclusions.
The experiment of setting up the Muutos 2011 party caused some dangerous splintering in the movement.
The memebots left to sit in the imaginary Muutos 2011 party are getting intense paranoid hallusinations about false flag terrorist events. Soon they are explaining all events with false flags.
Some of these spambots actually thought they were setting up a real political party instead of an experimental backup organization for the Master.
They had unrealistic expectations of getting a well-paid job as an MP with no real effort at all. They did not understand that the Master had preordained which Hommabots will get elected. Such is the power of the Master.
Due to the unique mental structure of Hommabots all setbacks are perceived as false flag events. The Hommabot will start perceiving an increasing amount of false flag events.
Soon these spambots will become so confused that they have to be sacrificed or ejected completely from the Homma.
Some of them were quite unreliable from the beginning. Apparently the person who is playing the role of the leader of the imaginary Muutos 2011 even imagines he is in some ways an independent being.
A Hommabot exists only in order to serve some mechanical function needed for the machinery of Homma to function, it is a dangerous illusion for a memebot to think that it is not existing solely for the purposes of filling the mechanical function assigned.
Timo Soini was too greedy to refuse the votes offered by Homma and is already too weak to do anything about it. And he will become weaker.
After all, Homma has the guidance of the living Master, but Timo Soini has only his imaginary Catholic God. Homma will eat the soul of Timo Soini and fart out one more memebots.
Timo Soini was extremely useful but also completely expendable, since his fantasies about God would prevent him from accepting the Master as his personal saviour.
But even the Master is not all-knowing. He is a scientist who prefers to experiment before he makes any conclusions.
The experiment of setting up the Muutos 2011 party caused some dangerous splintering in the movement.
The memebots left to sit in the imaginary Muutos 2011 party are getting intense paranoid hallusinations about false flag terrorist events. Soon they are explaining all events with false flags.
Some of these spambots actually thought they were setting up a real political party instead of an experimental backup organization for the Master.
They had unrealistic expectations of getting a well-paid job as an MP with no real effort at all. They did not understand that the Master had preordained which Hommabots will get elected. Such is the power of the Master.
Due to the unique mental structure of Hommabots all setbacks are perceived as false flag events. The Hommabot will start perceiving an increasing amount of false flag events.
Soon these spambots will become so confused that they have to be sacrificed or ejected completely from the Homma.
Some of them were quite unreliable from the beginning. Apparently the person who is playing the role of the leader of the imaginary Muutos 2011 even imagines he is in some ways an independent being.
A Hommabot exists only in order to serve some mechanical function needed for the machinery of Homma to function, it is a dangerous illusion for a memebot to think that it is not existing solely for the purposes of filling the mechanical function assigned.
The method of creating a far right propaganda machine that can eat up
the soul of an entire nation is ridiculously simple in theory, but an
extremely chaotic and unpredictable process in practice. Some of the
important key functions can be summarised:
- The main external enemy that will be used to take control over the minds of the nation has to be selected. It is easiest to motivate people by giving them an enemy to fear and hate. During the formulation of the Homma ideology the 2001 terrorist strikes were still relatively recent, which meant that Islam was demonized to some extent even by some mainstream political movements. In this situation it was easy to choose Islam as the main enemy to fear and hate. It was easy to make the rather distant threat bigger by throwing in some islamophobic conspiracy theories about Eurabia. The selection of secondary enemies was ridiculously easy, since people joining far right movements can easily be made to fear and hate almost anything, whether imaginary or real.
- An internal enemy is needed. After all, the ideological struggle is not with outsiders. The struggle is with local elements. The political movement that was exactly opposite to Suomen Sisu seemed to be the Green party, although anything that would seem as being a bit on the left might be used as well. Therefore we can see all kinds of extremely interesting paranoid conspiracy theories forming around a belief in the demonic power of the Green party. It is also easy to imagine that the creators of the ideology might not believe in it themselves. This is wrong, since they will get carried away by their own creation. Therefore there are reports of truly icy paranoid stares from Jussi Halla-aho. Most of the people he has chosen as his enemies thought that there would be no real emotional component to the propaganda, but apparently there was.
- The ideology has to be formulated into a package. This is the task of the ideological master strategist. In order for the ideology to stay consistent there should be one and only one Master ideologist, who makes the truly great decisions. If somebody rebels against the Master there will soon be two Hommaforums. Some amount of these divisions are probably unavoidable, it can only be hoped that the splinterHommas stay small and die quickly. But total unquestioning faith in one Master is needed for a victorious Homma. The movement stays strong only if the Masters blog is read carefully and his ideology is internalized completely.
- Some amount of secondary production of the ideology can be delegated to the trusted members of the movement. Not even a Master can produce each propaganda to fill the minds of the entire nation. Therefore the trusted members of the movement will have their own blogs and the ability to make ideology somewhat independently. But there are limits. A member of the movement can be ideologically faithful, but have too bad mental health issues to be trusted. Has anybody noticed that many of the original key activists of the Suomen Sisu movement have strangely disappeared? Where is Esa Taberman? Beyond obvious issues of loyalty and mental health the intelligence of the secondary blogger should be considered. It is a bad mistake to give secondary master powers to a person with limited intelligence, as the career of James Hirvisaari as a secondary blogger has clearly demonstrated. In a later stage it should be possible to change the laws or to just extralegally eliminate useless elements from the movement. The ability to control the police forces of the nation also brings the ability to ignore stupid left-wing ideas such as laws.
- There is a need to formulate the ideology into a clear set of memes that even the most idiotic semi-literate internet user can spam endlessly on any discussion channel. Some have even claimed hearing the memes of propaganda changed in a live setting, usually a bar. But the main channel for spamming the memes is the internet. This task is handled by the entire movement. In some ways the message becomes easier and easier to repeat endlessly after you have completely memorized the writings of the Master and the same thing has been repeated about a million times on Hommaforum and some forums that didn't even know about the ideology of the Master before the brave footsoldiers of the movement arrived.
- The lowest level in the movement is the level of a pure spam bot. There are newbies who have not internalized the ideology completely. But very soon almost anybody is able to repeat the message on any discussion channel. This is why the message has to be simple and based on the basic emotions of fear and hate. Anybody should be able to become a spam bot for the Homma. Of course some people would be more efficient in the amount of spam produced. Some might be able to produce spam of very high quality. Some might have special gifts in flaming and threatening the ideological opponents who have been brainwashed by the sick Green ideology. A person might be so gifted in trolling that even the most experienced users of the internet would soon be completely confused. But basically everybody in the movement is a spam bot of the ideology. Even the Master himself sometimes comes down from his Scripta and joins the frontline raids as a foot soldier. There is a need to have some amount of spam bots to even start the paleoconservative cyberspace revolution. In the case of Homma it was determined that the amount of 20 initial internet nazis or spambots would be enough. These were provided by the loyal cadres of the Suomen Sisu movement, but some of the disloyal or weak ones have become traitors to the movement. One of the most important personal qualities is the ability to unquestioningly believe in the Scripta. The greatest traitors in the movement have been people who have started to make all kinds of heretical changes to the pure Scripta.
The forging of the Homma
After Halla-aho had been experimenting with his scientific propaganda
tool Scripta for a while, the amount of twenty internet nazis needed
for the masterplan had gathered around his blog and were taking in his
message in order to repeat it again and again to everybody. It is
unknown if the twenty nazis gathered spontaneously or if there was some
kind of a masterplan drafted in the Suomen Sisu. But the plan was going
somewhere! The twenty bots were available for a spam war and Halla-aho
had nearly perfected the method of writing a far right propaganda
message that could be constantly delivered everywhere in tiny pieces of
But the masters of online propaganda were still trying to coordinate their daily spamming tasks with the use of a primitive technology called Halla-aho's Guestbook. Now Matias Turkkila set up the Hommaforum, which was the perfect tool for sharing the memes of xenophobia and propaganda that would be needed for making the ideology of Suomen Sisu the dominant one. It should be noted already that years later the leader of True Finns Timo Soini would greatly reward Matias Turkkila for his great service to the movement by giving him the command of the True Finns newspaper and website. Timo Soini knew that the xenophobic ideology created by the Hommaforum was an uncontrollable monster that would ruin the Finnish internet, politics and society as well as make Timo Soini a complete fool and splinter up his party. But he needed votes desperately so he only hoped that he could take the money and run when the inevitable Downfall would come. Timo Soini knew that a political victory built on trolling would wanish in a similar fashion into the endless sea of trolling. But in the end he was a Catholic Christian, and God would forgive him for the sin of making a pact with the devil called Halla-aho.
But the masters of online propaganda were still trying to coordinate their daily spamming tasks with the use of a primitive technology called Halla-aho's Guestbook. Now Matias Turkkila set up the Hommaforum, which was the perfect tool for sharing the memes of xenophobia and propaganda that would be needed for making the ideology of Suomen Sisu the dominant one. It should be noted already that years later the leader of True Finns Timo Soini would greatly reward Matias Turkkila for his great service to the movement by giving him the command of the True Finns newspaper and website. Timo Soini knew that the xenophobic ideology created by the Hommaforum was an uncontrollable monster that would ruin the Finnish internet, politics and society as well as make Timo Soini a complete fool and splinter up his party. But he needed votes desperately so he only hoped that he could take the money and run when the inevitable Downfall would come. Timo Soini knew that a political victory built on trolling would wanish in a similar fashion into the endless sea of trolling. But in the end he was a Catholic Christian, and God would forgive him for the sin of making a pact with the devil called Halla-aho.
Jussi Halla-aho
A man of true genius arrived on the nationalist scene. The man who would in a few years completely change Finnish politics.
Halla-aho was a member of Suomen Sisu. He had doctorate in philology.
His education had prepared his brains for the unique historical role
they would soon have.
Jussi Halla-aho became
fascinated in the meaningful patterns he saw in the apparently random
cyberwar. He started a scientific study of the epic battle that Seppo
Lehto and Klaus von Grewendorp were fighting. He archived each message
of the cyberwar and saved them in his Total War archive.
researched the tiny semantic differences and subtle variations in the
constants of spam, troll and flame. He analyzed the smallest grammatical
details of the total spam war. He also studied the extremely advanced
blogging strategy developed by Seppo Lehto. Halla-aho decided that blogs
would be the main ideological weapon in the coming total cyberwar.
combined with a constant barrage of consistent ideological spam
repeating the same message again and again.
that time nobody understood that Halla-aho was doing the research for a
masterplan of total victory. Halla-aho understood that Seppo Lehto and
Klaus von Grewendorp had managed to reach a level of total omnipresence
on the internet. It was achieved by two people with tireless work and
absolute fanaticism.
What if all twenty members
of the Suomen Sisu were mobilized in a similar fashion for a total
troll war? That would mean complete victory! The concept of twenty
internet nazis was born in the feverish mind of Doctor Halla-aho.
and Klasu were masters of spam, but their propaganda method lacked one
key ingredient needed for the complete domination of the human mind.
Their message was packaged extremely badly. It had the basic components
that were needed. It was definitely far right. Actually the men had pure
fascist and racist tendencies, which was good. But the message should
be crafted more carefully.
Halla-aho had
already reached the national socialist world view and knew that the
easiest way to take over the minds of men would be to use their lowest
emotions. This meant pure hatred. Halla-aho knew that the most important
task would be to find exactly the right incredients to make his far
right propaganda message of xenophobia and hate as efficient as
Halla-aho used his blog called Scripta for experiments in order to find the correct recipe for propaganda.
Halla-aho used his blog called Scripta for experiments in order to find the correct recipe for propaganda.
In the beginning Seppo Lehto was alone
The internet has been an efficient propaganda tool used by the
Finnish far right since the Nineties. Originally the extremely elaborate
methods of online propaganda known as trolling and spamming were
developed by a highly efficient genius known as Seppo Lehto. Seppo Lehto
was a workaholic and a genius.
He managed to
fill the Finnish language internet with extremist propaganda about
taking back Karelia from Russia all by himself. Alone.
mailing list was full of propaganda written by Seppo Lehto. Each
discussion forum was full of propaganda written by Seppo Lehto.
provided the great technological innovation that Seppo Lehto needed in
order to complete the technological set of tools he needed for total
control of the Internet. Soon the Finnish-speaking Internet was full of
propaganda blogs written by Seppo Lehto.
there was Seppo, but then he wasn't alone any more. The second far right
pioneer in the Finnish language internet was Klaus von Grewendorp, who
certainly seemed Finnish, but apparently had taken the role of a German
noble for some arcane trolling purpose. In the beginning Seppo Lehto and
Klaus von Grewendorp were brothers in arms and struggled together for
the liberation of Karelia.
Seppo Lehto and
Klaus von Grewendorp soon found that they had irreconcilable ideological
differences. Nobody knows what caused the first Total War between two
giants of Finnish Internet Nazi. Seppo Lehto and Klaus von Grewendorp
were soon locked in a flame war that could only end in total destruction
of one of the parties. There would be no surrender.
the Finnish internet was full of extremely efficient propaganda
bullets that Seppo Lehto and Klaus von Grewendorp were shooting at each
other. Many innocent recipients of extremely effective propaganda became
While the giants were engaged in
their epic struggle, a new but determined and gifted internet nazi
organization arrived in the field. It was called Suomen Sisu, an
organization of exactly 20 young and enthusiastic Finnish internet
But in the beginning all they had was a
discussion board that as mercilessly provocative national socialism as
possible, but still a mere pale imitation of the truly epic floods of
spam that the giants were shooting at each other.
the early stage the only user of the Suomen Sisu discussion board who
had epic powers was Esa Tabermann. The man had been ideologically
indoctrinated by Pekka Siitoin, the grand master of pre-internet Finnish
nazism. Esa Tabermann was able to write realistic descriptions of a
total holocaust for the great pleasure of the other Suomen Sisu members.
fantasies of concentration camps and mass executions became one of the
elements that made Suomen Sisu the efficient merciless nazi cyberwar
machine it is today. Esa Tabermann called the fantasy a Great Dream. He
forged the iron spine that made the organization what it is today.
were other early members who brought their great gifts to the
movements, such as Riku Hautala, who had graduated with a degree of a
doctor specializing in Nazi medicine even before he was in high school.
Riku Hautala was always happy to help his national socialist brothers in
arms with suitable medications and battlefield amputations.
the movement had a magically gifted web designer Skywolf, who was able
to channel the spirits of the brave warriors who had fallen in the
Battle of Stalingrad to the web pages of the movement, therefore giving
the site invulnerability to hacking attempts by communists.
goal of Suomen Sisu was to become the ultimate power in the universe,
but how could this goal be reached? This would require a different kind
of genius. That genius would change the tide of history in a few years.
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