Thursday, February 21, 2013

Finnish Defence League

Finnish Defence League was supposed to be here, but the attempt to set up one was apparently a complete and utter failure. But here is Mimosa Dedanann, who prentended for a while to be a leader of a group that pretended to exist. Mimosa Dedanann represents a different breed of a far right leader.

The Hillbilly

In order to end the article with a light and humorous note we have to present Teuvo Hakkarainen, the hillbilly MP of the True Finns. Teuvo Hakkarainen is merely a redneck. Therefore we believe that Teuvo Hakkarainen is not actually a racist. He just doesn't know anything. But his adventures have been extremely amusing and it is not possible to understand the true political ideology of the True Finns party without taking into account the important ideological contribution of Teuvo Hakkarainen.

Timo Soini is forgiven by Jesus again

Timo Soini is the fat-ass right-wing populist catholic conservative leader of the True Finn party. He has been demanded to do something about the rampant racism and fascism of his party. In February 2013 he was grilled heavily about the issue on BBC HardTalk. The video is worth watching, since Soini feels true pain when he commits the cardinal sin of lying. And the lie is that his party is not full of racist and fascist extremists. In reality Timo Soini cannot do anything about the Suomen Sisu faction in his party. The fascist tendency is controlling the party now.

Henrik Holappa goes to USA

The movement was founded by Henrik Holappa, who was a political activist of the True Finns in the city of Oulu.In some ways the American adventure of Henrik Holappa is irrelevant, but it is too amusing to leave out. In 2008 Henrik Holappa had published antisemitic hate propaganda that targeted local jewish children and the authorities were concerned.

I was apparently possible that the public prosecutor might slap hate speech charges on child-threatening psychonazi Holappa. Holappa became really scared. He had heard of the country called USA where everybody likes antisemites like Holappa. The amazing Holappa somehow managed to reach the United States, where he sought political asylum!
Since the Finnish state was obviously restricting his freedom of speech by considering to slap hate speech charges on him for threatening children! At the same time the refugee-hating meganazi became a refugee!

During his asylum application process Henrik Holappa was used as a maskot by Neo-Nazi leaders such as David Duke and John de Nugent.Holappa received a lot of sympathy and support from the American Neo-Nazi community. After all, the Nazis are not heartless people, if you happen to be white and a national socialist.

And Holappa looked kinda cute. The American Neo-Nazis were probably not aware where Finland was or what kind of political system it had, so they never suspected his stories of the Finnish communist gulag. It is easy to imagine the young aryan resistance hero Holappa telling sweet American Nazi grannies stories about his suffering in communist Finland. He probably ate a lot of apple pie in America.

However, the officials of the United States were well-aware of the actual status of Finnish gulag camps. In addition, Holappa wasn't charged with hate speech in Finland. And even if he were charged the sentence is usually just a symbolic amount of fines. The legal system just wants to remind you to keep your fucking loud antisemite mouth shut in public places. You can yell about any ethnic group in your home, but don't do it on the streets.

Since the US officials were perfectly aware that Holappa was in no kind of need of political custody he actually became an illegal immigrant! They arrested him for visa violation on March 9, 2009. In June 3, 2009, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed Henrik Holappa to Finland. Just like you remove a trash bag from your house. Just dumped him.

In 2011 the Finnish Resistance Movement invited members of CasaPound of Italy to a seminar in Helsinki. Soon Gianluca Casseri went all Breivik in Florence. Poor Holappa ended up being investigated by the Finnish Security Intelligence Service. It is unknown why Holappa didn't become a political refugee again.

Perhaps he knew the truth about the Finnish Security Intelligence Service:
  1. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service does not investigate far right organizations. It is a far right organization itself.
  2. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service is completely unable to investigate anything at all, since they are spending all of their time on really childish workplace bullying, which they deny, but are completely unable to keep secret, since everybody knows it. They put glue in the other guys keyhole! They are total retards!
  3. If the Finnish Security Intelligence Service would have time to investigate something, they would probably investigate something really dangerous, like animal rights activist groups consisting of malnourished teenage girls or anybody who looks even remotely like Osama bin Laden, such as people who have tanned skins. It is possible that the Finnish Security Intelligence Service actually did investigate CasaPound, since the Italians are obviously kinda swarthy people, almost like muslims, definitely a potential security threat. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service shares the concern of the far right organizations. This means that both groups share a common enemy, which is anything that seems like it is green or red, and all kinds of racially inferior people.
  4. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service has a tendency to get fucked in the ass by the big brother. You know. KGB. FSB. They sometimes walk the Finnish Security Intelligence Service up and down Tehtaankatu like a poodle if they are in a good mood. Or at least that is how it was until the beginning of Nineties. But we don't know what it is like currently. By all likelihood the Finnish Security Intelligence Service people are so stuck in whatever procedures they learned when they were hired in 1979 that they still go to Tehtaankatu to ask for a permission to do anything. But if you think about Putin it is clear who would control the business of espionage.
We do not know what happened. Holappa was certainly quite safe. But did he know it? Did he try to seek political asylum again? We just don't know. Perhaps he went to Canada. We know that we don't know everything about the epic struggle of Holappa, but there can be aspects to the story that we are still unaware that they are unknown.

Boneheads on parade

In July 2010 members of the Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a Gay Pride event in Helsinki. Gay Pride participants and bystanders were assaulted with tear gas and pepper spray. Some victims were small children. Three members of the Finnish Resistance Movement were later charged for 87 counts of assault, 71 counts of violations of political freedoms and substance possession.

Before the Finnish 2011 parliamentary election members of the Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a National Coalition Party election official.

The June 2012 Pride Parade egging incident is not terribly violent, but it is mentioned so that we can include the rather hilarious pictures of the Egg Man, who became an instant internet meme.

In July 2012 a member of the Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a gay rights event in Oulu. One person was hospitalized due to use of pepper spray by the attacker. A member of the Finnish Resistance Movement was later arrested for the crime.

In January 2013 three members of the Finnish Resistance Movement attacked a library discussion event in Jyväskylä.
Violence included stabbing one of the event organizers with a knife. Two members of the Finnish Resistance Movement were arrested and one is still hiding from the police. During the police investigation it was found that the Finnish Resistance Movement had collected a database of 300 political opponents.The event that was attacked was a presentation of a book examining the increasing support of extreme right in Finland.

The fucking Nazi stickers

The assholes are constantly sticking their idiotic Nazi propaganda stickers and posters everywhere. It is ridiculous. These guys are constantly running around the country sticking their stickers everywhere. And they publish heroic Combat Reports about their militant fascist sticker adventures! These sticker faggots are a life form that is completely different from the skinhead goblins of the Nineties.

The bastards are clever enough to have a website, a Hipster Hitler website called Mustasydän, and a web shop Kadulle, which is selling exactly the same fucking stickers they are planting everywhere. The economic model of the organization is based on the stickers.

The members of the organization have to plant a certain amount of stickers in a day or they will be declared commie subhuman traitors and sent to the sex slave labour camp of the Swedish movement. Therefore the members of the Finnish Resistance Movement have to spend all of their weekly income in nazi stickers from the web shop. The movement doesn't need external funding from the Swedish sugar daddies, it just takes the money of the members.

However, the effectiveness of stickers as a form of propaganda in the information society can be relatively low. Suomen Sisu managed to get as far as the parliament without spending any amount of time on stickers. The methods of internet propaganda used by the Hommaforum have been documented with scientific precision. These methods consisted almost completely of elaborate online propaganda known by some internet communication experts as spamming and trolling. Nobody has ever seen Suomen Sisu or Hommaforum stickers anywhere.

Ulla Pyysalo is a Sadistic Nazi Bitch

The Finnish Resistance Movement is purely antisemitic. They are antisemitic to the boot. They are so antisemitic they hallucinate ZOG agents everywhere. Their antisemitism should be taken into account. Antisemitism. Antisemitism. Antisemitism.

The important distinction here is that more modern far right movements became strictly islamophobic after something happened. The islamophobic movements want to ally with jews to kill muslims. The antisemitic movements want to ally with muslims to kill jews. Since these movements consist of paranoid fanatics who are completely unable to make a compromise about anything the Finnish Resistance Movement is unable to ally with the other far right movements.

This brings us to the role of Ulla Pyysalo. There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that Ulla Pyysalo is a sadistic nazi bitch who would get wet by killing people in a concentration camp.

The other possibility is that the idea was to use her as the contact between the antisemitic  Finnish Resistance Movement and the islamophobic Suomen Sisu. Ulla Pyysalo might have a special gift of being fanatically antisemitic and islamophobic at the same time. Such talent would certainly allow fast career development in modern far right movements.