Thursday, February 21, 2013

Henrik Holappa goes to USA

The movement was founded by Henrik Holappa, who was a political activist of the True Finns in the city of Oulu.In some ways the American adventure of Henrik Holappa is irrelevant, but it is too amusing to leave out. In 2008 Henrik Holappa had published antisemitic hate propaganda that targeted local jewish children and the authorities were concerned.

I was apparently possible that the public prosecutor might slap hate speech charges on child-threatening psychonazi Holappa. Holappa became really scared. He had heard of the country called USA where everybody likes antisemites like Holappa. The amazing Holappa somehow managed to reach the United States, where he sought political asylum!
Since the Finnish state was obviously restricting his freedom of speech by considering to slap hate speech charges on him for threatening children! At the same time the refugee-hating meganazi became a refugee!

During his asylum application process Henrik Holappa was used as a maskot by Neo-Nazi leaders such as David Duke and John de Nugent.Holappa received a lot of sympathy and support from the American Neo-Nazi community. After all, the Nazis are not heartless people, if you happen to be white and a national socialist.

And Holappa looked kinda cute. The American Neo-Nazis were probably not aware where Finland was or what kind of political system it had, so they never suspected his stories of the Finnish communist gulag. It is easy to imagine the young aryan resistance hero Holappa telling sweet American Nazi grannies stories about his suffering in communist Finland. He probably ate a lot of apple pie in America.

However, the officials of the United States were well-aware of the actual status of Finnish gulag camps. In addition, Holappa wasn't charged with hate speech in Finland. And even if he were charged the sentence is usually just a symbolic amount of fines. The legal system just wants to remind you to keep your fucking loud antisemite mouth shut in public places. You can yell about any ethnic group in your home, but don't do it on the streets.

Since the US officials were perfectly aware that Holappa was in no kind of need of political custody he actually became an illegal immigrant! They arrested him for visa violation on March 9, 2009. In June 3, 2009, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed Henrik Holappa to Finland. Just like you remove a trash bag from your house. Just dumped him.

In 2011 the Finnish Resistance Movement invited members of CasaPound of Italy to a seminar in Helsinki. Soon Gianluca Casseri went all Breivik in Florence. Poor Holappa ended up being investigated by the Finnish Security Intelligence Service. It is unknown why Holappa didn't become a political refugee again.

Perhaps he knew the truth about the Finnish Security Intelligence Service:
  1. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service does not investigate far right organizations. It is a far right organization itself.
  2. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service is completely unable to investigate anything at all, since they are spending all of their time on really childish workplace bullying, which they deny, but are completely unable to keep secret, since everybody knows it. They put glue in the other guys keyhole! They are total retards!
  3. If the Finnish Security Intelligence Service would have time to investigate something, they would probably investigate something really dangerous, like animal rights activist groups consisting of malnourished teenage girls or anybody who looks even remotely like Osama bin Laden, such as people who have tanned skins. It is possible that the Finnish Security Intelligence Service actually did investigate CasaPound, since the Italians are obviously kinda swarthy people, almost like muslims, definitely a potential security threat. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service shares the concern of the far right organizations. This means that both groups share a common enemy, which is anything that seems like it is green or red, and all kinds of racially inferior people.
  4. The Finnish Security Intelligence Service has a tendency to get fucked in the ass by the big brother. You know. KGB. FSB. They sometimes walk the Finnish Security Intelligence Service up and down Tehtaankatu like a poodle if they are in a good mood. Or at least that is how it was until the beginning of Nineties. But we don't know what it is like currently. By all likelihood the Finnish Security Intelligence Service people are so stuck in whatever procedures they learned when they were hired in 1979 that they still go to Tehtaankatu to ask for a permission to do anything. But if you think about Putin it is clear who would control the business of espionage.
We do not know what happened. Holappa was certainly quite safe. But did he know it? Did he try to seek political asylum again? We just don't know. Perhaps he went to Canada. We know that we don't know everything about the epic struggle of Holappa, but there can be aspects to the story that we are still unaware that they are unknown.

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